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My name is Abo
You welcome to my images world. A world of real image on the base of a half century of painting to show my dream on a canvas or a real space. I will try to give a summery of this base of my life.
I am Abo, the painter of geometricrealism, that you see in the Strat and in the Gallery at the realism.
I had my first exhibition in the Industrial University of Aryamehr (Now Sharif) in Tehran. 1974
I found since 1998 my proprietary style, the GeometricRealism.
What means the GeometricRealism?
Geometric, because you see only the contour of the objects in a geometric way.
Realistic, because you recognize in the figure the real objects undouble.
Why Geometric?
This style lets me to show the objects transparent, as if every objects is made with the glass. In this way every thing is visible for the viewer, it means the behind is the front.
Which function hat this style?
The first one is to give the viewer a possibility to set his image to the empty place of silhouette that hasn't a form.
The painting becomes the third dimension, is the second function, because in my style there is neither shadowing nor perspective that in a realistic painting gives to the painting the third dimension, as we see it in the realistic painting or on a photo.
And the another one is the a new relationship between the paintings objects together and to their environment.
Which Relationship?
The different and the same time correlation between the different objects and the environment. This relationship involves the viewer to follow the correctness of the style, because in my style everything has takes a real place and form in the painting. The round of every objects shows correctly, in a geometric form, thus the viewer knows the object, and not arbitrary. The concept is to bring the viewer in the place of the painter and motivate the observer to fantasize.